About the Memorial

United Nations Colonization Memorial (UNCM) is a tribute of remembrance to honor millions of people killed around the world during the horrific chapter of colonization, a dark period of racial terrorism in our past that though most people would rather forget, casts a shadow across the world and compromise our commitment to a more inclusive world.

Coming soon in houston, texas

United Nations Colonization Memorial

Across the world, there is a reckoning taking place over how we remember our history. Though much of the focus has been to take down monuments that celebrate racist historical figures, UNCM is about a new monument going up in Houston, Texas. It will document mass atrocities and invite the international community to acknowledgement and repentance. We believe that publicly confronting the truth about our history is the first step towards reconciliation and racial healing.

Our vision

Call the world to acknowledgement, to repentance and to healing.

A global champion for voices that cannot be heard, UNCM was established to reverse cultures of denial, and advance a new era of truth to accelerate the pace of UN's action towards transformative change for racial justice and equality. It is the one place where the world's nations can gather to lay wreaths for victims of colonization, atone for the atrocities of a bygone era, appropriately address an overdue reckoning, and heal the emotional wounds of descendant communities.

Our mission

To honor the giants of history

To honor giants of history who were killed for standing up against colonization – racial injustice, soil from where they were killed or buried will be collected and transferred to the memorial. The soil collection project which will be done during special ceremonies through community-led efforts, will help develop a communal identity that prioritizes historical truth-telling and healing.

Our Impartial Approach

To maintain a neutral and impartial approach to our work, UNCM is non-partisan and committed to the principles of the United Nations. We do not support any one ideological, political, religious, or other model of government or society.

United Nations Colonization Memorial is the world’s first tribute of remembrance to honor millions of people killed around the world during the horrific chapter of colonization.  


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For centuries, access to "the ugly parts" of colonization history has been severely limited by the lack of genealogical records of victims and their descendants. Now, a team of dedicated researchers and genealogists is seeking to change that with "United Nations Colonization Memorial" anambitious new project, aimed at liaising with countries that were colonized and recovering the names of millions of men, women and children killed during the dark period of colonization. Beside calling the worldto acknowledgement, to repentance and to healing, the ultimate goal-of UNCM is to make a searchable database ofthe hidden story of colonization, identify the real names of individuals lost to this tragic history and restore their dignity.

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We Have Over 100 Permanent Collections - Museum X Webflow Template
We Have Over 100 Permanent Collections - Museum X Webflow Template
We Have Over 100 Permanent Collections - Museum X Webflow Template
We Have Over 100 Permanent Collections - Museum X Webflow Template